Color CA Votes

Color CA Votes is a free and open-source extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers that changes colors in a California legislator vote to show party affiliation.

Without installing the extension or using those browsers, you can use this form to try it out.

Screenshots (click to expand):

click to see full BEFORE screenshot click to see full AFTER screenshot

This extension is a must-have for those interested in California legislation and politics. The Color CA Votes extension identifies the political party of California state legislators named in vote lists, status pages, and bill text at, which covers all roll-call floor votes and committee votes in the state legislature going back to 1999.

The extension colors each legislator's name by party for quick identification. For those with color blindness, parties are also identified in text. You can quickly see which party mostly voted yes, which mostly voted no, and who are the holdouts in each party who might be the ones you need to convince to help your community.

Report problems, make suggestions, or send thanks by writing to

Installation instructions

Install for Chrome desktop.

Install for Firefox desktop.

For Opera desktop, first install this, then install the extension for Chrome.

Once installed, the extension automatically works any time you view bills at It does not work at the old legislative site,, so votes prior to 1999 are not available to be shown in color.

For mobile, the extension is not available. Bookmark this page and use the form above.

Gifts are Much Appreciated

This web form and the extension are fully featured for free, but tens of thousands of dollars of time has gone into developing it. I sure would appreciate a gift to cover my costs and ongoing improvements, especially when it is being used by an organization.

Privacy Policy

We don't get access to your data at all.

Open Source License

Source code is available under the Simplified BSD License.